The biggest stationary hackathon in Europe, now ONLINE
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Stay TunedTASKS
When joining HackYeah you can deal with any task you want. This might seem a little hard, but it gives you the opportunity to work on the idea in your area of expertise. You can work on one or multiple tasks and you can be a member of one or several teams at once!
What’s more, you do not need to decide what task you’re working on before the hackathon.
[Supporting business]
The business is changing. Nowadays, many companies wake up after coronavirus lockdown, but there are also true gems that survived this difficult episode without any problems. At both situations, the corporations need now interesting and innovative ideas to gain a huge dose of new energy.
We’re looking for solutions, projects, tools and ideas that will support the widely understood business.
When we think about the future of the entire business industry, we notice the urge of innovative and creative ways to improve it. Technology, creativity and your skills can create new tools and truly better solutions.
Do you have some ideas?
50 000 PLN
25 000 PLN for 1st place, 15 000 PLN for 2nd place, 10 000 PLN for 3rd place
powered by
[Engagement during online meetings]
In the times of home office, keeping the attention of your interlocutor at e-meetings is crucial.
In this task, we would like to find low-cost solutions that will boost the user’s engagement at online events and meetings.
We are looking for:
- Solutions, that will ease the transfer of event industry into the online world. This is especially important for these events, which haven’t been connected to the online formula never before.
- Ideas for all: cultural/entertainment business, formal meetings and conferences with the big number of attendees
- Ways to facilitate the online environment to the new attendee, which has technical difficulties and doesn’t perceive himself as s part of the event’s community
- Interesting concepts, that will support and extend the engagement of online attendees, while the part of the event takes place offline
Example areas:
o Ease the audio attendance in discussion panels
o Ease the attendance in the online event, which takes place on many platforms at the same time
20 000 PLN
10 000 PLN for the 1st Place and 2 Special Awards, 5 000 PLN each one
We live in the times when we have to fight for the engagement.
catches the viewer’s attention, helps him to understand the content and keeps his absorption. In this task, we are looking for ideas to use online games in education, sharing knowledge and organizing meetings.
We are looking for:
- Interesting possibilities of use of gaming in education and training
- Solutions, that will help to keep the viewer’s attention by using games and contests
- Ideas to both: creating and taking part in brainstorms and conceptional meetings – by the use of gaming
- Support the effectiveness of home office with gaming
20 000 PLN
10 000 PLN for the 1st Place and 2 Special Awards, 5 000 PLN each one
20 000 PLN
10 000 PLN for the 1st Place and 2 Special Awards, 5 000 PLN each one
20 000 PLN
10 000 PLN for the 1st Place and 2 Special Awards, 5 000 PLN each one
Task powered by Wroclaw Comprehensive Cancer Center in Wrocław
[Oncological Patient’s Track]
The process of oncological diagnostics and treatment is very complex — many various specialists are involved on different levels. It is possible to present it with the so-called “patient’s track” that — with a high probability — describes the process of diagnostics and treatment of different types of cancer. These tracks have already been prepared within the pilot project of Domestic Oncological Network that was started in February 2019.
From the quality of the oncological diagnostics and treatment point of view, it is crucial that the patient’s track designed by experts is not simplified nor modified unreasonably. This modification has many reasons — one of them is an attempt to change the more expensive medical examination to cheaper one (for example exchanging hip’s NMR spectroscopy to the CAT scan in case of prostate cancer). It lowers the costs of diagnostics, but the income from the National Health Fund (which is realized with oncological funds) is the same — the only one who suffers from the change, is the patient.
The question is: How to prevent the spread of this occurrence?
The optimal solution is…
Create the module to monitor the regularity of oncological patient’s track.
The optimal solution is the module that will detect irregularities and fraud cases in the area of oncological benefits realized from the public funds.
Crucial functions of the system:
- Possibility to create models of oncological patient’s track
- Possibility to compare the realization of process at different levels of patient’s track
- Possibility to compare the realization of particular tracks at different medical points
- Indication of the character and size of potential fraud case
- Possibility to export files to Excel or create a dedicated report
- Possibility to allow the patient to observe the realization of his oncological care track by granting access to the system
- Possibility to create communication between the patient and his doctor within the app
- Possibility to generate an individual report about the realization of diagnostics and oncological treatment track in the format that allows saving the information in the patient’s electronic history
The measures of success:
- Assessment of the compatibility between the real oncological care track and the model one — checking the quality of oncological care
- Increase the level of detecting irregularities in realization and billing oncological benefits that are funded by public funds
- Possibility to control the data from the system with data reported by beneficiaries to the National Health Fund regarding the incorrect settlement of a given group of benefits.
- Increase in the number of detected fraud cases.
- Indication JGP (diagnosis-related group), where the fraud cases are born
- Increase in the migration of benefits to cheaper JGP (diagnosis-related group).
- Raising the effectiveness of communication with the patient.
- Enhance the patient’s awareness about the urge of realization diagnostics and oncological treatment
[SupervisionHack: #ScamTrapper]
30 000 PLN
15 000 PLN for 1st place, 10 000 PLN for 2nd place, 5 000 PLN for 3rd place
Our Judges will evaluate each OPEN TASKS (Govtech Polska and Wroclaw Comprehensive Cancer Centersubmission) and PARTNER’S TASK (UKNF) in five categories:
- idea – how creative has the group been? Did the team come up with a new approach, or followed existing patterns? Does it do something new and unique? 30%
- technical aspects – How technically impressive was the solution? Is it demo-ready? 30%
- design – How well is it designed? Is the design different from what has been done many times? 20%
- relation to task category – Does it contribute to the chosen category? Does it have social or business potential? 10%
- wow! factor – surprise the judges with the way you work, your work ethic, something unique about the project 10%
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The official platform to upload the tasks is HACKEREARTH.
If you have any problems using Hackerearth check our FAQ.
No team? No problem with that!
There are two options.
You can work alone…
Simply choose a task, get yourself comfortable and start hacking. And don’t forget to join our Discord channel for the latest updates!
Get yourself a team!
If you want to find a team or teammates just go to the team building channel on our Discord server. It’s a perfect place to form your dream team!
You want to join a team now?
Hack Yeah! That’s the spirit! You can find your teammates on our channels:
Each year we invite specialists from various fields who are ready to help you. You can find them in the Mentors Village where they will be happy to inspire you and answer any questions you might have.
There are two types of Mentors:
They can advise the teams if their idea is relevant for the specific topic, suggest the direction of developing the idea or simply come up with the solution the team could work on.
These Mentors take care of the more technical part of the project development. They are mostly individuals, with specific knowledge.
They can advise if the team has some issues with UX, does not know how to solve some trouble while programming, has no idea how to present on the stage or has any other technical problems while hacking!

Justyna Orłowska
GovTech Polska | Prime Minister’s High Representative for Government Technology

Robert Król
GovTech Polska | Deputy Director - Digital Skills & Innovation

Antoni Rytel
GovTech Polska

Wojciech Janek
GovTech | Civil Servant

Maciej Stalewski
BGK | IT Department Director

Sławomir Flis
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Managing Director

Marek Grac
Asseco Central Europe | COO and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Sebastian Jaworski

Zbigniew Wiliński
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Director of the FinTech Department

Piotr Skrzypczyński
BGK | Business Strategy Director

Peter Polák
Asseco Central Europe | Director of Omnichannel Division

Iwona Schab
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Deputy Director

Krzysztof Marczak
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Manager

Katarína Roth Neveďalová
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization | Senior Policy Officer - Digital Agenda

Piotr Wiśniewski
BGK | Office Director

Maciej Kurzajewski
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Advisor to the Chair of PFSA / FinTech and capital markets

Zbigniew Baranowski
The Polish Ministry of Finance | Minister’s Advisor in the Department of Tax Collection

Erik Lukac
Asseco Central Europe | eHealth Division Director

Marek Deutsch
BGK | CIO, Executive Director for IT

Damian Bankiewicz
Asseco Poland | Department Director Healthcare Division

Marcin Skrzypczuk
Tax Collection Department Ministry of Finance | Head of IT Department

Adam Maciejczyk
Wroclaw Comprehensive Cancer Center | Chief Executive Officer

Paweł Zawadzki
Wroclaw Comprehensive Cancer Center | Plenipotentiary for WCCC Development

Olga Janczyszyn
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Chief specialist

Szymon Chamuczyński
Asseco Poland S.A. | Mass Products Department Director | Healthcare Division

Jan Ziomek
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Leader of the Financial Innovation Team in the FinTech Department

Sylwia Mrózek
BGK | Service Desk Manager

Dawid Błaszczyk
Wroclaw Comprehensive Cancer Center | Coordinator of preventive programs

Mirka Makaruk
BGK | Senior IT Systems Analyst

Łukasz Majek
BGK | Team Manager - Test and Implementation Team

Lena Kruk-Pielesiak
BGK | HR Manager

Przemysław Rodziewicz
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Team Manager

Przemysław Cieszyński
BGK | Board Member

Jakub Derulski
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Chief Specialist

Stefan Bryndza
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Expert

Dariusz Kuszyński
BGK | .NET Developer

Jakub Karmowski
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Expert

Kamil Wysocki
BGK | Senior Specialist

Rafał Czupryński
Microsoft | Developer Audience Lead

Sylwia Kiertowicz
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Specialist of Analysis and Strategy Department

Filip Kołodziejczyk
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Senior Specialist

Marcin Krzyżanowski
Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship | Deputy Marshal

Dagna Frydrych
Polish Development Fund | Manager

Natalia Ponikowska-Kietlińska
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority | Specialist

Magdalena Fuczko
GE Healthcare | Technical Product Manager & Software Engineer

Irina Morawska
BGK | Mentor

Alicja Kula
UX Academic Laboratory | UX Designer

Ewelina Wasilewska
Juicy UX | Co Founder, UX Consultant & Mentor

Katarzyna Smoleń-Drzazga
Juicy UX | UX Designer

Bartłomiej Jarosz
TK Games & VRealms | Main Programmer

Łukasz Wiśniewski
PKO Bank Polski | Blockchain Technology Expert

Przemek Kondraciuk
Bank Millennium | Projects & Process Innovation Expert

Marcin Sadomski
Forestlight Games | CTO

Maciej Loch
Skyier | Co-Founder

Wojciech Augustynowicz
Tappaz Games | Mastermind

Kamil Łątka
PKO Bank Polski | Innovation Expert

Wiktoria Wójcik
inSTREAMLY | Co-founder

Marlena Olszewska
GE Healthcare | Operations Analyst

Filip Gapiński
Gameset | Head of Games Marketing

Łukasz Masztalerz
Office IMP / | Lawyer

Kamil Mrzygłód
The Cloud Theory | Microsoft MVP, Trainer, Speaker & Microsoft Azure Books Author.

Maciej Dymarczyk
Allera | CTO

Natalia Walczak
Student Research Club .NET Technical University of Łódź

Marcin Wylot
Data Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer | AI Advisor

Wael Naguib
HSBC | Architect

Adam Lange
Standard Chartered Bank | VP, Cyber Threat Hunting

Aleksander Włodarczyk
SKN .NET PŁ | Vice-Chairman

Paulina Wójciak
Qualaroo | Former Startup CEO

Katarzyna Kolasa
Kozminski University | Head of Health Economics and Healthcare Management Division

Piotr Godowski
IBM | CTO & Software Architect

Mateusz Nowicki
Grid Dynamics | Senior Frontend Developer

Krzysztof Zalasa
Google | Cloud Customer Engineer

Łukasz Maj
Pegasystems | System Architect & Aplikacje Krytyczne | IT Contractor

Marcin Janiszewski
IBM | Senior Manager

Tomasz Zagórowicz
ABB | DevOps Engineer

Mateusz Hoffman
ABB | R&D Group Leader / FE Development Team Lead

Tomasz Osowski
Project: People Poland | Lead UX Designer

Michał Żukowski
Innteo | CEO

Paweł Łukaszuk
.NET Software Developer, Speaker, Trainer

Maciej Kowalski
OPI PIB | Tech Lead

Karolina Bolesta
Scientific Association for Computer Science | CEO

Krzysztof Zbiciński
NodeSchool Łódź | A developer of all technologies specializing in JavaScript

Wojciech Puzio
Hycom | Frontend Developer