Izabela Bany

[ PFR: Fund of funds || Bringing innovation to the CEE ]

She is an alumna of University College London. In the Innovation Development Department of PFR, she is responsible for the educational programme for future entrepreneurs. She learnt her ropes about business and new technologies in the UN agencies and startups. She has co-founded Poland 2.0 Summit together with Poles studying abroad.


Webinar | Life after the hackathon? How to implement the idea in three weeks at the PFR School of Pioneers.

The School of Pioneers is an international educational program for beginner-level Polish entrepreneurs and visionaries. During the webinar you will learn: • how your competences can skyrocket in key business skills areas – necessary for developing a hackathon project; • who will teach technological know-how that helps to build a scalable product; • how to use your capacity for innovative thinking to build socially-responsible social or commercial tech projects; • how the PFR School of Pioneers can help build international cooperation networks

[ Releated Sessions ]

All Sessions by Izabela Bany

Day 6
Life after the hackathon? How to implement the idea in three weeks at the PFR School of Pioneers. 18:00