Discord is our platform to communicate. Organizers, speakers, mentors and attendees – all of us are here!
At Discord, you’ll have a chance to meet online great experts from various field: IT specialists, GovTech gurus, CEOs of big companies and NGO professionals. Here you can chat, share our favourite memes, listen to music, give some advice and talk about everything that seems interested to you.
Discord is a perfect space for networking, no matter if you’re looking for a job, employee or partnership opportunity. Also here we will organize contest and activities, and Judges will announce the list of teams that qualified to the Pitches.
All of the team members have to create their Discord accounts because Discord ID’s are required to upload the project at HackerEarth.
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We use this platform to collect information about the number of attendees. This crucial one allows you to buy and download your ticket and also – what is essential – to accept the rules and regulations of HackYeah Online 2020. Without registration at Evenea and accepting rules and regulations, you can’t join the event (and this scenery would make us extremely sad!).
Every team member needs to register at Evenea.
Platform to upload the projects. Here you can send us your project with all required attachments. HackerEarth is a base, where Judges have access to all of the projects in order to evaluate it.
What is important, you have to create your Discord account before uploading the project to HackerEarth (Discord ID’s are required). You should upload the ID/NICK of every team member in one txt file.
Need some brief guide about HackerEarth? Click here.
*The majority of the tasks should be uploaded to HackerEarth, however, each Partner might choose their own platform. Check the task descriptions to learn where to upload your project.